Advent wreath liturgies from many Churches
Each of the four Sundays then reminds us of those who prepared for the coming of Christ. ‘The Patriarchs’ can naturally focus on Abraham, our father in faith, and David, the ancestor in whose city Jesus was born. ‘The Prophets’ gives an opportunity to reflect on the way the birth of the Messiah was ‘foretold’. John, who proclaimed the Saviour, and Mary, who bore him in her womb, complete the picture.
Reflections and prayers from the Church of England.
Reflections and prayers from the Church of England.
A comprehensive history of the tradition of lighting the Advent wreath, its meaning and symbolism - and suggested readings and prayers for families lighting the candles. This valuable resource is provided by the Baptist Church in America.
"As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us continue to remember our neighbours near and far." Advent liturgies and accompanying resources (images, PowerPoint presentation) from the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Mark Earey, writer of the Advent hymn 'Advent candles tell their story' (StF 165), has produced a short liturgy to accompany the lighting of the Advent candles. He has a strong feeling that the words we say when lighting the candles should complement the action and not try to explain what is, he says, a symbolic act. He prefers to avoid the words "This candle reminds us of..." and draws, instead, upon words from scripture to sit alongside this meaningful Advent ceremony.
From the Methodist Church.
From the Methodist Church.
Advent Wreath Words for Four Sundays
A beautiful reflection and prayer for each of the four Sundays of Advent from Unitarian Universalist minister, Rev Dr Megan Visser.
A beautiful reflection and prayer for each of the four Sundays of Advent from Unitarian Universalist minister, Rev Dr Megan Visser.